Thursday 31 July 2014

"Run Beast Run"

Hi there! (Or should I say bok...) 

I'm in Croatia at the mo with the famo....all those that know my family will be well aware of our competitive nature. So it was inevitable that we set up a competition of some sort. This time round, rather than the typical card/ board games allowing my dad a chance to show off his general knowledge and my uncle to out-wit us, our competitive streaks shone in the form of a 5k race around hilly Cavtat. 

The runners were as follows: 

Myself, Nish O'Connor aka "The Beast"
Treadmill runner, interval trainer. Record time for 5k on treadmill: 23 minutes 20 seconds. 23 years of age. 

My bro, Niall O'Connor aka "Dodgy Knees"
7 month break from running due to injury. Record time for 5k on treadmill: 22 minutes. 20 years of age. 

My dad, Eamonn O'Connor aka "The Old Man in the Corner"
Running since 1989. 50 years of age. 

My uncle, John O'Connor aka "The Cyclist"
Cycles daily up the hills of Highgate, North London. 47 years of age. 

...nicknames courtesy of John O'Connor whilst discussing the challenge the night before with a beer in hand!

We took this race very seriously. A sweepstake was drawn up. Bets were placed. Distances were set.  Handicaps were discussed (and refused). John even suggested banning Niall from his morning dose of cereal in the fear that he'd "benefit from all the goodness". So we all settled on cereal an hour before the whistle (and lots of coffee for myself of course). Fair game. 

As you can see, John and I weren't messing about...

Before the race...

The two oldies thought carrying water would hinder their performance so employed their own water boys/gals (my cousins) to pass them H2O as they completed the first lap. I employed them for a different photographer! 

Lap one: 

John, Niall and myself were all head to dad lagging behind, still 'warming up' (his asthma means he takes a while to get into his run, but we all thought his sheer determination and competitive nature still made him a threat). 

Lap two:  

I managed to pull a good 10 metres ahead but Niall soon caught up, at which point I figured the game was over, knowing we still had the dreaded hill and an added 70 steps to finish on! 

I stuck with him for a bit before he paced ahead...John and my dad nowhere to be seen! 

"I can walk this hill"

"Run beast run"

3 minutes later...

"Call an ambulance"


1st place:  Dodgy Knees
2nd place: The Beast
3rd place: The Old Man in the Corner
4th place: The Cyclist

My dad had been left for 4th, but a glimpse of John's fluorescent yellow T-shirt in the far distance was enough to make him sprint for 3rd. He caught him at the hill, and looked pretty pleased with himself...

You know somethings wrong when your dads shorts are shorter than yours!!! 

In all fairness, the two oldies have more weight to carry than Niall and I have. Plus he has a runners build...not that anyone made any excuses or anything...

I think a 3 lap race is in order before we leave. 


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