Evening lovelies,
I'm currently chilling in my zebra onesie by the fire, waiting for X Factor to start, with a roast dinner on its way. The perfect Sunday eve and the perfect time to blog :)
Today was a rare occasion as I actually left my house and it's a Sunday! I usually spend my Sundays in bed, either because I am too hungover to move or because in my opinion, Sundays were invented for doing absolutely nothing (the big dude in the sky nicknamed it the Day of Rest, so it must be true!) However, today there were two perfectly justifiable reasons for seeing daylight:
1) Brunch
A promised brunch with ma bezzie. Laura and I had a silly drunken argument on Friday night (which to be honest I don't really remember at all) but I know that my stubborn self was probably partly to blame- so I took her to Jacks in Clapham Junction as a peace offering. It's amaze! And very reasonably priced. £6.10 for the incredibly epic breakfasts pictured below-
Laura's 'Double English Breakfast' |
I went for the 'Yankee Breakfast' y'aaalllll |
Standard...may as well have licked the plates clean |
2) Battersea Carboot
I've never branched out from the Chiswick carboot before, but Aggie recommended the Battersea one and so after brunch we hopped on a bus and toddled our way to meet Aggie and her boyfriend Dom there.
Within 2 minutes of entering, I'd already fallen a bit in love with a leopard print coat. I'm definitely going to be mistaken for a leopard one day with the amount of printed items I have.
I managed to get it from £20.00 to £16.00...haggling pro?
![]() |
There was this really cute little old man with an equally cute food stall filled with delicious freshly baked goodies...both sweet and savoury.
Chocolate and banana tings...the best combo |
Then we came across glitter land...our idea of heaven. If it were up to us, every item of clothing would sparkle in some way, shape or form.
making herself at home... |
sparrklesss |
Nish turns Tudor |
So then we came across this stall which confirmed one thing: we are a sales persons dream.
We pretty much believe anything anyone tells us...and working in an estate agent, I should probably know better.
We believed a woman selling argan oil when she told us that it was 100% natural, a complete bargain, being three times cheaper than Holland and Barrett and various other high street shops and salons, despite her obviously dry and split ended hair.
We got a bottle each- Two for £15.00...but after leaving the stall, Laura made a good point;
'What if it's actually olive oil and we'll never know?'
Maybe we should've looked it up online first...
gift wrapped 'bargain' |
goats in the tree...just chill in' |
Either way, I feel like our gullible trait isn't a bad thing...we just like to see the good in people!
Quote of the day:
Laura Kennedy: 'I just like to keep it real'. Word.
Other highlights
Although this is at Laura's expense...after the whole argan oil fiasco, she then went and purchased some 'Benefit' foundation for £5.00, only to look it up online and find that it didn't actually exist #fake #conned #standard.
We also met this guy who gave us directions to the cash point, and who turned out to be a celebrity photographer. He gave me his email address and promised to send 'fresh' snaps of One Direction. (Let's hope by fresh he means naked). Ledge. His name is Steven but he calls himself 'Dappa Pappa'...need I say any more?
Other Purchases
I may have a slight obsession with shirts at the mo...
Picked this up for £8.00
and this for just £3.00...
At the Chiswick Carboot a few weeks ago, my obsession with statement necklaces was also pretty evident...
£2.00 wowzaaa |
also £2.00 woop |
So all in all I think I've had a pretty productive Sunday, and have decided this will now be a regular occurrence!
Also, X Factor is now over and I have one thing to say...why Lady GaGa, why?
Peace, love & cuddles.
So jeal, wish I was there!
ReplyDeletewish you were there too little piccio! blog soon, I enjoy reading them :) x
ReplyDeleteCan we do this when I get back in a week? thank you please